Flash sale
for small dogs 4.41-44.09 pounds, back height 4.7-17.3 inches, handicapped pets
Pick Their Foot Up Due to Injury, Disease,Back Leg Weakness.
Flash sale
for small dogs 4.41-44.09 pounds, back height 4.7-17.3 inches, handicapped pets
Support Dog’s Spine,Relieve Pressure,Help Alleviate Canine Back Pain
Arthritis,Rehabilitation,Injured,Surgery,Disabled Dog
for small dogs 8.84-19.84 pounds, back height 6.8-11.7 inches, handicapped pets
for small dogs 6.61-35.27 pounds, back height 3.9-17.3 inches, handicapped pets
Protects against soiling on the go,Prevents misalignment,Sprains and strains,Post-injury rehabilitation
for small dogs 6.61-22.12 pounds, back height 3.5-17.7 inches, handicapped pets
for small dogs 22.05-44.09 pounds, back height 7.8-19.7 inches,handicapped pets
Arthritis,Rehabilitation,Injured,Surgery,Disabled Dog
Support Dog’s Spine,Relieve Pressure,Help Alleviate Canine Back Pain
for small dogs 8.84-19.84 pounds, back height 6.8-11.7 inches, handicapped pets
for large dogs 35.27-88.18 pounds,back height 17.3-28.3 inches,handicapped pets
for large dogs 33.07-66.14 pounds,back height 16.1-26.7 inches,handicapped pets
Intervertebral Disc Disease (Cervical Spine IVDD),Suitable for dog neck injuries
for large dogs 33.07-66.14 pounds,back height 16.1-26.7 inches,handicapped pets
Arthritis,Rehabilitation,Injured,Surgery,Disabled Dog
for small dogs 3.31-26.46 pounds, back height 6.7-17.3 inches, handicapped pets
What is IVDD in Dogs?
IVDD, or Intervertebral Disc Disease, is a spinal disorder that follows from the herniating of an intervertebral disc inside an afflicted dog. A gelatinous substance that is surrounded by a thick outer layer can be found between the bones and spine in dogs.
What is the treatment for dogs with IVDD?
The diagnosis and treatment for Intervertebral Disc Disease need to begin as early as possible in order to achieve good treatment outcomes. That's why we recommend taking your dog to the vet for a full examination if you spot signs of IVDD in your dog. Delays in treatment could lead to irreversible damage.
How to Help your dog with IVDD?
Using a dog back brace for ivdd, like the Lovepluspet Back Brace, which was designed with input from veterinarians and provides comfortable but firm support to help stabilize the dog’s spinal column, and may help in specific situations. This dog brace provide support to the dogs' injured back, helping dog walking daily.
If your dog has severe conditions, you could use dog wheelchair to help your dog walk.